About Me

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So you want to know about me? Why thank you I'm glade you are interested. Humm Where should I start? Well my earliest memory was when I was 5... Nah just playing. I am pretty much just you regular chick from AUSTIN TX (whoo Hooo keepin it weird!) Lets see what else Oh yeah maybe my name Rekeisha D. Dunlap. I am a new mommy as of Jan 17 2010 to my super cute baby Abram. I am a new business owner as of Last year May 20 2009. It is almost happy birthday for my company. I am silly and Love art. That is why I was silly and got and art degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio. I liked the city so much I stayed. (they were nice to me) Yep well that is all I going to share now. I may delete this thing and be more serious but right now I going to be more free with this blog.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanks Giving everyone! It is my child's first Thanks Giving and Marc and my 4th anniversary. Right now I am at my mother-in-laws watching the Macy's Day parade. I think that the cheerleaders are just a little too bright (as in their attire) but I was never the cheer leading type but I do love to encourage others. My sister was a cheerleader so I have nothing against cheerleaders we always need those with sunny personalities.

It is great to have a holiday that reminds us to be thankful for. I want people to not get caught up in the turkey or the negativity that people put on this holiday. Think an all the things you can be thankful for and thank God that you have the time an opprotunity to be thankful. So I have a lot to be thankful for and since this is my blog I going to share my list. I'm thankful for my God who loved me so much that he laid down His life so that I can live an eternity with Him. I am thankful for my family and how they have always been their for me. I am thankful for the lessons I have learned and the lessons that God is allowing me to relearn. I am thankful for four years of eventful and life changing marriage. I am thankful for almost a full year with my child Abram and the fact that he is healthy. I am thankful for the years I have been alive and the troubles and blessings I have had.

That is the short list of what I am thankful for. I hope you all have a a blessed and A Happy Thanksgiving.

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